How to get up off the floor better!

Do you struggle to get up from the floor? 

More than one hour spent on the floor following a fall is known as a ‘long lie’ and can have devastating consequences. 

Possible causes include sarcopenia, the age-related progressive loss of muscle mass and strength. The main symptom of this condition is muscle weakness caused by the natural ageing process. 

Studies show sarcopenia can be reversed. Regular resistance training can increase muscle mass and strength. 

Now why am I telling you this? Because strong leg muscles are vital for everyday life. From climbing stairs to getting up and out of your chair more easily. Stronger legs will also improve your ability to stay steady on your feet for better balance. 

Now for the most important one, getting down and up from the floor. 

Below I show a video of a lady in one of my Strength and Stability classes getting up from the floor. A combination of becoming stronger and learning the technique makes this essential movement achievable. 

She was unable to remember the last time this movement was possible. 

This exercise may be challenging if you are out of the habit of getting up and down from the floor. But a combination of the right exercises and an improvement in confidence makes this achievable!