Sandra's Story

In 2020 the world was hit by COVID-19. Isolation and loneliness took hold for many people. My garden was my saviour, but sadly in November 2020 I fell over a plant pot and broke my hip. In hospital I had a complication and on discharge I needed a lot of care from district nurses, doctors and especially my husband.

It took 5 months to regain my stamina and confidence to try and build my life back up.

Then in October 2021, my body rejected the metal around my hip and I had second operation and again was de-mobilised for several months. My mobility was poor, spirits low and winter was making it hard to improve.

By April 2022 I finally made a decision one night to go shopping. I sadly had a horrid fall breaking both shoulders. My right arm and elbow had to be rebuilt. I was blessed to have a wonderful husband by my side for those horrible months.

By August 2022 I was really struggling.

In September 2022, a lady called Helen from my doctors contacted me about an Elevate class. Helen arranged a meeting with an instructor called Dan to help improve my social interaction, confidence and overall strength.

I remember my first class - lacking confidence, wearing a mask and very nervous. My classes with Dan have helped me realise belief and hard work can change your life for the better. Also, the laughter and friends are my weekly pick me up. Most of all I have Dan to thank for turning my life around from a terrible three years to now.

A year on, I now know future classes with Dan can only improve my well-being and especially my balance. So long may these wonderful classes continue. Thank you Dan, you are an ambassador to all people who attend your classes.